Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sim time.

Do you ever feel like a Sim? A Sim's clock runs so much faster than human time, but sometimes I have to look at the clock to make sure I'm not actually *in* Sim time.

Life is flying, sleep, shower, clean. Repeat within the next ten minutes of human time.

I recently realized that it's August already. That means school. Then holidays. Then 2012. Then I turn the dreaded quarter century. Then my 2 year wedding anniversary. (2 years!) And only 2 more years after that, we start trying for kids. Life just seems to be in fast-forward. And yet, trying for kids seems so far away because I want it so much.

So many many plans for the future. Do we ever actually take time out for ourselves as adults? I don't mean putting off housework or avoiding responsibilities...who can actually relax when they're thinking about all of their duties?

Our 'honeymoon' was a week spent in our little house, no distractions, no responsibilities...cake for breakfast and jammies til noon every day. Best. Honeymoon. Ever. Sadly though, such a relaxing time seems especially quick. Maybe we're Sims after all.

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