Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I'm probably one of three people in the world who has a thesaurus app on my smartphone.  And I use it.

Words fascinate me.

I especially love those real gems, like 'exquisite', 'dappled', 'caress'...

...and 'hunky dory'.

I like using gems instead of ordinary rocks. 'Facetious' instead of 'sarcastic'. 'Grueling' instead of 'difficult'. 'Vibrant' instead of 'colorful'. And when I don't have a gem handy, I pull out my handy dandy thesaurus.

Sometimes your meaning cannot be conveyed by ordinary words. People would rather you threw gems at them, yes? I don't mean making things wordy and difficult to trudge through, but instead, scenic and descriptive and entertaining.

I am particularly fond of rap music because of the clever employment of wordplay. Double entendres and innuendoes make me stop and appreciate the quick-witted writer.

"The simplest phrase can have a thousand meanings." (Rodmilla, Ever After)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sim time.

Do you ever feel like a Sim? A Sim's clock runs so much faster than human time, but sometimes I have to look at the clock to make sure I'm not actually *in* Sim time.

Life is flying by...eat, sleep, shower, clean. Repeat within the next ten minutes of human time.

I recently realized that it's August already. That means school. Then holidays. Then 2012. Then I turn the dreaded quarter century. Then my 2 year wedding anniversary. (2 years!) And only 2 more years after that, we start trying for kids. Life just seems to be in fast-forward. And yet, trying for kids seems so far away because I want it so much.

So many responsibilities...so many plans for the future. Do we ever actually take time out for ourselves as adults? I don't mean putting off housework or avoiding responsibilities...who can actually relax when they're thinking about all of their duties?

Our 'honeymoon' was a week spent in our little house, no distractions, no responsibilities...cake for breakfast and jammies til noon every day. Best. Honeymoon. Ever. Sadly though, such a relaxing time seems especially quick. Maybe we're Sims after all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I have a short attention span. I often bounce between topics in conversation. Sometimes I'm hard to follow.

I write like I talk.

I talk like I think.

I think like no one else.

The purpose of this blog is to write what comes to mind in an effort to narrow down a topic or style or theme of some kind. I must have a direction, a path to follow if this is going to be a career.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Celebrate life.

People often ask, "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?"

I don't think anyone answers with "Widowed. "

The truth is, no matter what plans we make or bucket lists we write, the future is uncertain.

I could've been widowed yesterday, but God chose to protect my husband so I could keep him for what I can only hope is a very, very long time.

Pay attention when you drive. Wear seat belts and helmets. And dont forget, in the midst of all your planning, to live.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bandwagons are no fun.

Bucket list. Item #1. Reach goal weight.

I am 42 pounds away from my goal. I've lost 20 so far. Hooray! Zumba is amazing. The diet, not so much. And not just any diet, it's the fancy new "stop eating so much junk and for that matter just stop eating so much" diet. Guess what? It works.

But it is no fun. I like ice cream and all those liquid calories like juice and soda and coffee and whiskey. But! Did you know if you dilute 4 ounces of grape juice or apple juice with 2 ounces of water, it tastes just as good but you're not ingesting as much sugar or as many calories as you would if you drank 6 ounces of juice?

Food for thought. Or drink.

My Anti-Bucket List

If you have any vague awareness of pop culture in the 21st century, you know what a 'bucket list' is. For those of you who prefer the shade of your rock to sunshine of the real world, a bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die, or 'kick the bucket', if you will. I have a different list. I have created a list of things I want to do before I live. Let me explain. I am a very traditional, and in that regard, unconventional person in that my dream is to be Susie Homemaker. Yes. I am a 24 year old woman in America with no desire to be a career woman. I want to be a soccer mom. No minivan though. Minivans are gross.

Here's the list:
Reach goal weight.
Get bachelor's degree.
Pay off debt.
Become professional blogger.

My dream to be a stay-at-home mom is proving difficult. Credit card debt. Education. Mortgage. Student loans. Home repairs. Cars. No money.

The list contains things that need to happen before my dream can become a reality.

I had this crazy idea to seek out a career I could pursue from home.
I love to write...and I know stuff about things...

What if it's possible?

This is my life before I start living.
